It's my Story, It's my Fairy Tale.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Colours Part 3

As I've 100% decided (no more changes, Ira!), I nak buat Malay-themed wedding. And, I've also decided on the colour, which is mustard yellow. I always wanted to have royal yellow-colored dress. Tp en. kesayangan mcm kurang sesuai je pakai warna tu, so mustard yellow would be my choice (despite the fact that it turned out to be prettier) hehe... I browsed one of the blogger's page, that is Kanda Dinda With Love and found this lovely pictures of her friend wearing the colour. I fall in love straight-away.

 Can it be any more prettier?? *heart heart*

Another colour that catch my eyes is Olive Green. Really different. Really wallah.. Kalau Ira ade satu lagi majlis, mmg nak pakai ni (berangannn).

Source: Sue Anne 
Ni her own wedding pictures. Colek kejap sb nak tnjuk colour baju die cantek sgt2.. And I must say, she's one of the very beautiful bride. *heart heart* ;)

Pemilihan colour utk certain types of dress mmg sgt2 penting. Kadang2 tak menyerlah langsung design baju apabila salah pilih colour. Take note everyone! Since ira dah choose my colour, U all must be wondering ape fesyen design yg ira suke kan? (ceh, perasan. Org tak tanye pon ira!) hehe... Next entry kite cite eh. ce cite ce cite (Usop Wilcha)
Till then. xoxo

Colours Part 2

Source: Google
Pastel color = Earth color 

Pastel colour. It's the latest trend nowadays. Mcm chart kat atas tu, kaler mcm ni salunya soft look.. Earthy look (nama pun earth color kan '-.-). My choice for pastel colour would be champagne, taupe, beige dan sewaktu dgn nya... Why am I loving this colour? Judge them by yourself!

Source: Google
As I mentioned before, I love everything about Elyana's wedding. This is one of the reason. It blends with her skin well and die nampak berseri sangat! Champagne dress..

Source: Google
What a beauty! Ni pun champagne gak. Buat katil pengantin cenggini mesti cantek!

Source: Google
Taupe. The colour is so rich and classy... Kalau jd baju mmg lawa.

Source: Google
Ni pulak kaler Beige. Nice huh.

Semua colour2 ni kalau jadi theme utk vintage mmg lawa... Pendek kate ni semua adik-beradik kaler coklat.
Source: Google
Boley pilih kat sini. Semua range of colours ade... I mean utk brown la... Still, for me champagne is the best!
Couldn't agree more!

Till then, xoxo

Baju Nikah

Bercakap pasal baju, part design ni yg paling excited! Siape tak nak baju yg unik, special and one in a million kan? Kalau boleh (dan berbakat) nak je design baju sendiri, mesti jd kenangan seumur hidup. Tp..... Takde bakat nak wat cmne.. *sigh*

Fashion designer di negara kita ni sgt2 berbakat hokay... Harga pun boleh thn jgk *sigh lagi*.. Jom kite browse antara fashion design utk baju nikah yg ira suke sgt2!
Source: Google
Okay, this is well-known design I think. Semua org tau ni design Hatta Dolmat . I'm in love with the applique and 3D design utk bunga and bahagian dada baju tu.. *heart heart*.

Source: Google
Okay, ni pulak design Rizman Ruzaini . Honestly, ni sbnrnya my first idea utk baju tunang dulu... Tp susah sgt nk dpt approval my mum. So tak jd. Sob sob..
Source: Google
Ni pun hasil keringat (ecewahh) Rizalman. Lawa kan??? Mmg fesyen skrg guna kain mcm tu.. Cntek sgt! My fav is the first left. Heart2 design bhgn paha die. Lawa gilee! Glamor gile!! Nak tu! Tp mcm fancy je utk nikah... ke tak? hmm...
Source: Google
Ni pulak design Syahrir Nurdin . Nampak suci sgt kan?? And I have to say, hiasan kepala die sgt memukau and sesuai sgt dgn baju ni... I like2 sgt2! 

So, yg mane satu pilihan anda? Kagum tak dgn bakat fashion designer kite? Actually ade ramai lg yg berbakat yg tak tertaip den nama diorg.. Takpe, later kite buat list eh! Leh jgk korg g survey2 tgk design2 diorg. Kot2 kena jackpot ke, le g tempah. haha

Till then, xoxo

Colours Part 1

Part ni yang agak payah ni. Korang sedar tak kat dunia ni takde banyak kaler rupanya??  *pengsan*.. Colour basic just biru, kuning, merah (kot).. Then the mixtures of those colours produce green, orange, purple anddddd that's about it. Yg lain tu just another range of colours in the colours I mentioned above, and white. Duhhh *pengsan lagi*. Itu sahaje ye cik puan-cik puan. Mak down! Dah tu cmne nak pilih kaler ni? 

Firstly, kena la pilih warna kegemaran dlu nok! My favourite colour is..... emm... I don't have one T_T. I just love all colours, depending on my mood, and what colour suits the best for certain object. Contoh, mcm sesuai je design baju ni dgn kaler ni. Kaler tu tak naik nanti. Haaaaaa... cmtu. snang kan nak beli baju utk saye. *Attn: En. kesayangan* haha.. But bad news for me yg tak tau nak pilih kaler ape nih... Hmm...

 Kite start ngan baju nikah. Hofkos kaler lembut kan, baru suci dan ayu gtew.. I've decided on aqua... Ocean kaler. chantek sangat2! Trend skrg pon byk pakai kaler cmtu kan... Ala2 Elyana gtew. I just love everything about her wedding. Gorgeous gila! Ok, focus! Ni contoh2 kaler kaler tu. Check, check, check it out!

Source: Google
Ni baju Elyana, cantek kan???

Source: Google
Sejuk je mata memandang kaler air tu kan? *ke sebab tu air laut so automatik perasaan mandi air tu membuak2? hmmph*
Source: Google
Haa.. snang cite. Ni range kaler Torquoise, Aqua, Blue. Can you differentiate? I want the top right one! *heart heart*

Wedding Theme

Okay now, let's talk about theme. Utk majlis nikah, I'm thinking of English style. I'm in love with every single thing about English style. (Umah pun nak hias cenggini gak. sukeeee sgt2!). No 2nd thought. Full stop. =P Supposed English theme ni slalunya warna putih, pink kan... Tp Ira tak nak guna warna putih utk baju nikah. No doubt it's the colour of pure, innocent, bla bla. I'm thinking of something different. we'll discuss about it later ;)

My very first dream wedding is involving vintage-themed wedding. It's so in at the moment. And I'm not the exception among all b2b out there. There's so much idea that I have for this kind of wedding. I was truly inspired by the famous ash & ann wedding.

 Source: Google

Kannnnn? I know! Then dlm google pun byk giler idea utk this type of wedding. Tapi, isk isk... Majlis bertandang belah family lelaki dah buat Fairy-tale-themed wedding. So, tak jauh la dr tema vintage nih. Ala-ala English gak kan, so, terpaksa la Ira tukar theme utk reception nanti. Nanti sama tak best la. Kawen bukan slalu kan... 

Source: Google

So, jeng jeng jeng.. Ira decide nak buat theme Malay-traditional plak ( hulamak, jauhh tuu) haha.. That's what my wedding planner aka aunty said... Well, that's the point hokay. Biar jauh... asalkan menarik. kan? Ira tgk theme traditional pun dah kembali lagi skrg ni.. hehe. So, it is finalised then. 

 Source: Google

Majlis reception nanti Malay traditional-theme. Then majlis bertandang lak Fairy-tale-theme. Legaaaaa.

Till then, xoxo.

Monday 25 April 2011

Things I've learnt

Well, here's my opinion. Every girl have their own dream wedding. Some may have it ever since they were 5. As we grow older, we'll learn a lot of things. Some of it is, you won't get everything you want. Yup, that's the truth. Agree?

I'm experiencing it at the moment. Kadang2 mak kate ni boleh, tu tak boleh. Then on the other side, bakal mak mertua lain pulak ceritanya. Then keinginan kite sendiri, our own dream wedding pulak, lain ceritanya. kita tak boleh nak puaskan hati semua pihak. I understand I understand... Ni sape nak kawen ni sebenarnya.. Ye tak? But still, aside from our own dream wedding, there's something that we called.. 'Mother's dream for her precious' wedding'. Aaawww... Now do you get it? =)

Source: Google

Memang dilema sangat2.. Won't deny that. But hopefully with the support of my kesayangan, we'll get through this and have our own fairy tale story at the end of the day..

Till then, xoxo

1st attempt


    Okay, this is my first attempt nak tulis blog... haha Tetiba teringin nak tulis blog coz I'm inspired my other b2b out there... Blog mcm ni sgt la membantu kite2 ni. Kalau yg ade kakak abg yg dah kawen tu boleh la mintak tolong diorg kan.. kalau dah namanya anak ppuan sulung (tp anak ketiga ye), and abg yg 2 org tu pon single lg.. mcmn? tpaksa buat sendiri la jwbnye...

    I have 7 months left to prepare..Omjayyy!... Nasib baik tema, colour, baju kawen dah ade idea...Tinggal nak buat decision je lagi ( insyaAllah.. kalau tak ubah fikiran.. lagi *hmmph* asyik2 tukar fikiran je kan.. kalau cmni bile nak siap.. haih).  Sebelum ni pun dah byk buat survey dah.. Beli majalah Pesona Pengantin pun every month, since sebelum tunang lagi..(survey pasal kawen sebelum tunang, which masa tu hal tunang pun tak settle lagi. Boleh? haha) ..

    Well, nanti kite sambung lagi okay? Byk benda ni.. biar satu2.. Kawen sekali seumur hidup InsyaAllah. Kena la prepare betul2... Nak jadi kenangan kan. hehe Till then.
