It's my Story, It's my Fairy Tale.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Colours Part 2

Source: Google
Pastel color = Earth color 

Pastel colour. It's the latest trend nowadays. Mcm chart kat atas tu, kaler mcm ni salunya soft look.. Earthy look (nama pun earth color kan '-.-). My choice for pastel colour would be champagne, taupe, beige dan sewaktu dgn nya... Why am I loving this colour? Judge them by yourself!

Source: Google
As I mentioned before, I love everything about Elyana's wedding. This is one of the reason. It blends with her skin well and die nampak berseri sangat! Champagne dress..

Source: Google
What a beauty! Ni pun champagne gak. Buat katil pengantin cenggini mesti cantek!

Source: Google
Taupe. The colour is so rich and classy... Kalau jd baju mmg lawa.

Source: Google
Ni pulak kaler Beige. Nice huh.

Semua colour2 ni kalau jadi theme utk vintage mmg lawa... Pendek kate ni semua adik-beradik kaler coklat.
Source: Google
Boley pilih kat sini. Semua range of colours ade... I mean utk brown la... Still, for me champagne is the best!
Couldn't agree more!

Till then, xoxo

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