It's my Story, It's my Fairy Tale.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Colours Part 3

As I've 100% decided (no more changes, Ira!), I nak buat Malay-themed wedding. And, I've also decided on the colour, which is mustard yellow. I always wanted to have royal yellow-colored dress. Tp en. kesayangan mcm kurang sesuai je pakai warna tu, so mustard yellow would be my choice (despite the fact that it turned out to be prettier) hehe... I browsed one of the blogger's page, that is Kanda Dinda With Love and found this lovely pictures of her friend wearing the colour. I fall in love straight-away.

 Can it be any more prettier?? *heart heart*

Another colour that catch my eyes is Olive Green. Really different. Really wallah.. Kalau Ira ade satu lagi majlis, mmg nak pakai ni (berangannn).

Source: Sue Anne 
Ni her own wedding pictures. Colek kejap sb nak tnjuk colour baju die cantek sgt2.. And I must say, she's one of the very beautiful bride. *heart heart* ;)

Pemilihan colour utk certain types of dress mmg sgt2 penting. Kadang2 tak menyerlah langsung design baju apabila salah pilih colour. Take note everyone! Since ira dah choose my colour, U all must be wondering ape fesyen design yg ira suke kan? (ceh, perasan. Org tak tanye pon ira!) hehe... Next entry kite cite eh. ce cite ce cite (Usop Wilcha)
Till then. xoxo

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