It's my Story, It's my Fairy Tale.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Colours Part 1

Part ni yang agak payah ni. Korang sedar tak kat dunia ni takde banyak kaler rupanya??  *pengsan*.. Colour basic just biru, kuning, merah (kot).. Then the mixtures of those colours produce green, orange, purple anddddd that's about it. Yg lain tu just another range of colours in the colours I mentioned above, and white. Duhhh *pengsan lagi*. Itu sahaje ye cik puan-cik puan. Mak down! Dah tu cmne nak pilih kaler ni? 

Firstly, kena la pilih warna kegemaran dlu nok! My favourite colour is..... emm... I don't have one T_T. I just love all colours, depending on my mood, and what colour suits the best for certain object. Contoh, mcm sesuai je design baju ni dgn kaler ni. Kaler tu tak naik nanti. Haaaaaa... cmtu. snang kan nak beli baju utk saye. *Attn: En. kesayangan* haha.. But bad news for me yg tak tau nak pilih kaler ape nih... Hmm...

 Kite start ngan baju nikah. Hofkos kaler lembut kan, baru suci dan ayu gtew.. I've decided on aqua... Ocean kaler. chantek sangat2! Trend skrg pon byk pakai kaler cmtu kan... Ala2 Elyana gtew. I just love everything about her wedding. Gorgeous gila! Ok, focus! Ni contoh2 kaler kaler tu. Check, check, check it out!

Source: Google
Ni baju Elyana, cantek kan???

Source: Google
Sejuk je mata memandang kaler air tu kan? *ke sebab tu air laut so automatik perasaan mandi air tu membuak2? hmmph*
Source: Google
Haa.. snang cite. Ni range kaler Torquoise, Aqua, Blue. Can you differentiate? I want the top right one! *heart heart*

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