It's my Story, It's my Fairy Tale.

Monday 25 April 2011

Things I've learnt

Well, here's my opinion. Every girl have their own dream wedding. Some may have it ever since they were 5. As we grow older, we'll learn a lot of things. Some of it is, you won't get everything you want. Yup, that's the truth. Agree?

I'm experiencing it at the moment. Kadang2 mak kate ni boleh, tu tak boleh. Then on the other side, bakal mak mertua lain pulak ceritanya. Then keinginan kite sendiri, our own dream wedding pulak, lain ceritanya. kita tak boleh nak puaskan hati semua pihak. I understand I understand... Ni sape nak kawen ni sebenarnya.. Ye tak? But still, aside from our own dream wedding, there's something that we called.. 'Mother's dream for her precious' wedding'. Aaawww... Now do you get it? =)

Source: Google

Memang dilema sangat2.. Won't deny that. But hopefully with the support of my kesayangan, we'll get through this and have our own fairy tale story at the end of the day..

Till then, xoxo

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